Component 2.1: Income Support to Informal Sector Workers



To provide temporary income support to individuals who are working in an informal sector business, defined as a business that is not registered with the Inland Revenue Department, have no fixed hours of work or location, and does not have formal arrangements with employees, such as letters of employment or contracts, where that sector has not significantly recovered from the crisis or has remained closed.





o(i) Working in the informal sector prior to March 31st, 2020, as your main source of income or earnings.

o(ii) Working in an informal sector business that was greatly affected by the pandemic.


o(iii) Working in an informal sector business that has not significantly recovered or as remained closed:


oa. Existing restrictions on the hours of business


ob. Reduced operating days


oc. Existing restrictions on the number of patrons


od. Main source of income is linked to a business that has been severely impacted by the pandemic (e.g., Travel, Tourism and Hospitality base businesses, Education, Entertainment, Agriculture and Fisheries).


oHas been ordered to quarantine or isolate by the Ministry of Health as a result of COVID.


oRegistration with NIS/IRD, where applicable.


oTwo letters of reference from (Minister of Religion, Retired/ Senior Public Servant, Employer or School principal) confirming that the informal sector business is the main/only source of income.