DATE: July 15, 2014 NO. 55/2014
MAREP’s 1st sustainable Exposition
ST. GEORGE’S, GRENADA, Tuesday 15th July 2014: The Grenada Market Access and Rural Enterprise Development Programme (MAREP) hosted its first Sustainable Exposition. The Exposition was held over a three day period, July 6th, 8th, & 9th 2014 at Progress Park, St. Andrew and Belmont Estate, St. Patrick.
Fifty manufacturers from Grenada, Carriacou and Petit Martinique showcased their successful businesses, emerging technologies and possibilities. The main categories were as follows; Energy; Craft; Culture & Art; Food & Beverages, Technology; Agriculture; Fisheries and Marine.
The main purpose of the Exposition was to recruit manufacturers to showcase and to share their merchandise. It was also intended to enlighten persons of the significant income earning potential available to them by exposing them to market opportunities locally and internationally. The Exposition also encouraged trade between manufacturers and the marketplace.
The manufacturers also benefited from a series of workshops geared towards creating awareness on issues pertaining to sustainable development. These workshops were facilitated by Local and Regional Sustainable Developers, who also exhibited their innovations and shared their success stories.
Representatives from the CREST/CTO Coastal Tourism Conference also attended, toured the exhibition and gave feedback to the innovators.
For further information, please call 442-0100 / 0105, or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or fax: 442-0104.
P.O. Box 2972. St. Patrick’s Business Complex.
Lower Main Street. Sauteurs. St. Patrick
Tel: (473) 442-0100/442-0105. Fax: (473) 442-0104
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.