NO. 23/2015                                                   DATE: March 3, 2015








ST. GEORGE’S, GRENADA, Tuesday, March 03, 2015:  The Ministry of Finance and Energy will meet with all tyre dealers (new and old) on Thursday March 5th, 2015, at the Ministry of Finance Conference Room at 2:30 p.m.


All tyre dealers are invited to attend the meeting and are asked to confirm their attendance by contacting the Ministry at (473) 435-0057 or at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Through this survey and other labour market information-gathering initiatives, like the Labour Force Survey, the Central Statistical Office is attempting to fill the information gap that presently exists in Grenada. Hence, the survey also aims to generate information to:


-Compile statistical indicators required for macro-economic analysis and policy design and evaluation,


-Undertake a comprehensive analysis of the labour market in Grenada as the survey will capture Labour Demand which can be easily compared to the results from the Labour Force Survey, which captures Labour Supply.


-Support work in the areas of job search, filling of vacancy, reducing unemployment and the analysis of job-flow within the labour market.


-Strengthen and maintain Grenada’s Labour Market Information System which was launched in March 2014




The findings of the JOLT Survey would benefit a wide range of stakeholders. These include, job seekers, employers, national policy makers, Ministry of Labour, National Training Agency (NTA) and other training institutions, individuals making career choices, students and researchers. In general it will inform and support the operations of Active Labour Market Programmes in Grenada.


The benefits and usefulness of the JOLT Survey can only be realized through the full cooperation and participation of the members of the business community. The Ministry of Finance and Energy is therefore asking business establishments who are being sampled to provide honest and accurate data to the enumerators. Be informed that the work of the Central Statistical Office is conducted under the authority of the Statistics Act, No. 30 of 1960 and No. 21 of 1961. Employers and managers are assured that individual names of business enterprises and corresponding details will be kept confidential. The Ministry of Finance and Energy appreciates your cooperation.