NO. 69/2016                               DATE: November 1, 2016




ST. GEORGE’S GRENADA, Tuesday, November 1st, 2016: The Inland Revenue Division (IRD) of the Ministry of Finance and Energy

reminds the public of the following taxes that are due and payable for November, 2016.


November 7th -   Pay as you Earn (P.A.Y.E.) and Withholding Tax

November 20th -   (VAT) Value Added Tax

                              Excise Tax Return Due & Payable

November 29th - Income Tax Returns for Businesses with Fiscal                                  Year ending 31st August 2016       

November 30th -  (A.S.T) Annual Stamp Tax Installment

Corporation Tax & Personal Income Tax (Sole Proprietorship & Partnership) installments due

Persons are encouraged to pay early to avoid the long lines or fees and penalties from late payment.


NB: When the due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday or Public Holiday, the next working day will be the due date for payment.


Late Payment: A taxpayer who fails to pay all or part of a tax including withholding tax due for a tax period within fourteen days of the due date, or by the due date specified in the notice of assessment, if later, is liable to a late payment fee equal to 20 percent of the amount of tax due but not paid. A person who fails to pay all or part of an installment required pursuant to the Income Tax Act Cap 149 within fourteen days of the due date for the installment is liable to a late payment fee equal to 10 percent of the amount of tax due but not paid.

Late Filing:     A taxpayer who fails to file a tax return on or before the date on which it is due is liable to pay a late fee equal to the greater of:

·         five percent of the amount of the tax owing, plus a further one percent of the amount of tax owing for each month or part of a month during which the failure to file continues; and

·         five hundred dollars, plus a further one hundred dollars for each month or part of a month during which the failure to file continues.

Payments can be made at the Ministry of Finance, any District Revenue Office and through the Ministry's online portal:  (Please use Chrome or Firefox platform).


For further information, please contact Mrs. Kareen Morain-Alexander, Public Relations Officer- Inland Revenue Division, Ministry of Finance and Energy at 435-6945/6 or visit us at .



Inland Revenue Division