NO. 70/2016 DATE: November 7, 2016
ST. GEORGE’S, GRENADA, Monday, November 07th, 2016: The Minister of Finance and Energy, Dr. the Rt. Hon. Keith Mitchell, will present the 2017 Budget on Friday, December 9th 2016, at the Grenada Trade Centre, St. George’s, commencing 10:00 am.
The theme for the 2017 Budget is: “Working Together to Build on Our Successes for a Better Country.”
The theme captures the strong macro-economic foundation built through the collective sacrifices and resilience of our citizens. It also speaks to working together to protect the gains made in the past few years.
During his presentation, Prime Minister Mitchell will highlight the major achievements of Government for 2016 and that of the three-year Homegrown Structural Adjustment Programme. He will also detail Government’s plans and programmes for 2017 and beyond.
As part of the preparation process, the Ministry of Finance and Energy, held consultations with all ministries, government departments, and other stakeholders including Civil Society, the Labour Unions, the Business community and selected interest groups including farmers, agro-processors and fisher-folk.