NO. 63/2017 DATE: 5th September, 2017
ST. GEORGE'S, GRENADA, Tuesday, September 5, 2017: The Inland Revenue Division (IRD) of the Ministry of Finance and Energy advises the public of the following taxes that will be due and payable for the month of September, 2017.
1st Property Tax Interest of 1.5% starts running on amount owing
7th Pay As You Earn (P.A.Y.E) and Withholding Tax Due and Payable
20th VAT Value Added Tax and Excise Tax Return Due and Payable
28th Income Tax Returns Due for Businesses with Fiscal Year ending
30th June 2017
30th Income Tax and Annual Stamp Tax (AST) Installments Due and Payable
Persons are encouraged to file and pay all Taxes on time to avoid penalties and interest.
Payments can be made at the Ministry of Finance, any District Revenue Office or Online via
For further information, please contact Mrs. Kareen Morain-Alexander, Public Relations Officer- Inland Revenue Division, Ministry of Finance and Energy at 435-6945/6, 435-1905 or email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Inland Revenue Division