NO. 65/2017                                                                                         DATE: 15th September, 2017




ST. GEORGE’S, GRENADA, 15th September, 2017: The Government of Grenada received XCD $4.36 million dollars from the European Union as the First Fixed Tranche under the 11th European Development Fund (EDF) Programme. 


This is the first of two disbursements of a grant in support of development in the Health Sector.   Specifically, the funds will support Government’s Primary Health Care Reform Programme.


One of the major initiatives will be the construction of the Gouyave Medical Center.


Other areas of focus under the Programme are:

·       Implementation of a Chronic Non-Communicable Disease Survey and Health Promotion Campaign;

·       Development of the National Health Insurance Legislative Framework; and

·       Institutionalization of a Monitoring and Evaluation System for the Health Sector

In addition, the Government is expected to receive 1.2 million euros for Technical Assistance and to support the National Authorizing Office (NAO) and the Non-State Actors Panel.


Over the years, Grenada has received support from Stabex-Fund, SFA, the 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th EDF and Vulnerability Flex Programmes, totaling over 80 million euros and making the European Union one of Grenada’s major grant contributors to national development.


On behalf of the people, the Government of Grenada expresses sincere appreciation to the European Union for its continued contribution to the development of Grenada.