DATE: January 29, 2014 NO. 08/2014
ST. GEORGE’S, GRENADA Wednesday, January 29, 2014:As part of the process of socialdialogue, invitations were extended to the National United Front and the National Democratic Congress to attend an in-depth discussion on the draft Social Compact on Thursday, January 23rd, 2014. One of the immediate goals of the dialogue is finalising a Social Compact, which would provide a roadmap for the further development of Grenada.
This decision to extend the invitation was made when the Social Partners agreed that the old practice in which a new government reverses or delays almost all of the initiatives taken by the previous administration thereby causing the Country to lose valuable time and opportunity, was not in the best interest of Grenadians. To avoid that, the Social Partners agreed that other political parties should be invited to share their views on the drafting of the Social Compact. Both parties initially accepted the invitation. Unfortunately, the representatives of the National Democratic Congress had to cancel their attendance at the session, and so last Thursday (January 23rd), the Social Partners met for an in-depth discussion with only the National United Front.
For the last ten months, representatives of the Grenada Trades Union Council, the Grenada Private Sector Organisations, faith-based organisations, Civil Society organisations and the Government have been meeting to chart a course for the sustainable development of Grenada. This approach is new and represents a commitment by Government to the widest possible dialogue and consultation in addressing the challenges now confronting our Nation.
Many countries have social dialogue processes; the Grenada approach is one that is most inclusive, as it also involves strong representation by the civil society organisations and faith-based organisations. In addition, the Social Partners have launched a public education series styled National Social Partners Forum.
The Social Partners remain open and welcomes engagement with the widest possible cross section of Grenadians (home and abroad).