NO. 123 /2018 DATE: 10th July 2018
ST. GEORGE’S, GRENADA, TUESDAY 10th July 2018: In response to the increasing data needs of Grenada and the region, the Central Statistical Office (CSO) is increasing the frequency of conducting its Labour Force Surveys from once a year to four times a year, i.e. once every quarter.
A Labour Force Survey (LFS) is a household sample survey that provides estimates of employment and unemployment. These are among the most important measures of economic performance of any economy. Given its importance in informing policymakers, it was strongly recommended that these estimates be captured more frequently. Quarterly Labour Force Survey Indicators also form part of the Minimum Data Set Required by CARICOM for its member states. Capturing this information on a quarterly basis will give the government a clearer picture on the unemployment and employment situation throughout the year given the fact that there are seasonal factors which will affect the level of employment/ unemployment at different points of the year.
The main objectives of the 2018 Quarterly Labour Force Survey are: (1) to divide the working-age population into three mutually exclusive classifications - employed, unemployed, and not in the labour force; (2) to provide descriptive and explanatory data on each of these classifications on a quarterly basis; and (3) To assess the level of poverty in Grenada using the multi-dimensional approach to poverty measurement.
LFS data are used to produce the well-known unemployment rate as well as other standard labour market indicators such as the employment rate and the participation rate. The LFS also provides employment estimates by industry, occupation, public and private sector, hours worked and much more.
In this regard, the Ministry of Finance, Planning, Economic and Physical Development is again asking for the support and cooperation of the general public to ensure the efficient completion of this quarterly survey which will begin on Friday, July 13, 2018, until August 31st, 2018.
The data will be collected through face-to-face interviews with members (or a member) of the sampled households using the 2018 labour force survey questionnaire. The information provided by these respondents on the completed questionnaires will be used to produce a picture of the activities of the entire population for that quarter.
The success of the Labour Force Survey in accurately capturing persons’ employment and welfare status depends on the full cooperation of the public. Persons are informed that the work of the Statistical Department is conducted under the authority of the Statistics Act, No. 30 of 1960 and No. 21 of 1961.
The public is assured that information provided to the Central Statistical Office is strictly confidential and would only be disseminated at the aggregate level. The Oath of Secrecy which will be administered to each interviewer before the commencement of his/her duties also guarantees to the public that the information given would not be revealed. Anyone violating this oath can be prosecuted.
The Central Statistical Office is soliciting the full support and cooperation from the general public, especially the households selected for interviewing. Given that it is a quarterly survey if your household is selected you would stand a great chance of being interviewed in subsequent quarters. Hence, your positive response to completing the questionnaire accurately and to the best of your knowledge is important to the overall success of the survey. The information provided can positively impact the development of our country.
Data from our past annual labour force surveys are available from 2013 to 2017.