NO. 143 /2019 DATE: March 28, 2019
In an effort to facilitate swift payment of taxes at its cash office at the Financial Complex, Carenage, St. George’s, the Inland Revenue Division (IRD) has made available a cheque box located inside of the building, close to the cash area.
To avoid the long lines taxpayers can place their completed cheques and information indicating tax type in the box provided.
Please note that cash should never be placed in that box. Placing cash in the cheque box breaches the protocol and security procedures currently in place at the IRD and as such the Division cannot be held responsible for any cash that is placed there.
Persons in the diaspora are advised that payment of their taxes can be made via wire transfer and cheques, cash would not be accepted.
The Inland Revenue Division encourages maximum use of this facility and anticipates the full cooperation during this filing and payment period.
For more information please contact the Inland Revenue Division on 4403556 or 4351905 or email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..