National Plan 2030
On Tuesday 4 September 2018, Hon. Oliver Joseph, Minister of Trade, Industry, Cooperatives and CARICOM Affairs, accompanied by Hon. Peter David, Minister of Foreign Affairs, met with stakeholder representatives responsible for the elaboration of the National Sustainable Development Plan 2030, to receive an update on the progress of the Plan process and to share some pertinent information.
Minister Joseph, who has the responsibility of overseeing the Plan, was informed that public activities were suspended to facilitate the holding of the General Election earlier this year, but background technical work continued to take place. He was assured that public engagement and Sector Consultations would resume shortly.
At the meeting, Dr. Kari Grenade, was introduced as the new Head of the Technical Working Group, following the decision of Dr. Patrick Antoine not to continue in that capacity.
The Minister was given a new timeline for the completion of the Plan document to coincide with the 2019/2020 Budget Cycle.
Minister Joseph advised participants that the Government of Grenada is very serious about having a long-term Development Plan for the country and as such priority would be given to having the process completed within the new timeframe. In this regard, he assured stakeholders that the necessary budgetary and other support would be made available to advance the process in a smooth and timely manner.
Minister Joseph, on behalf of the government, expressed appreciation to the members of the Steering Committee, the Technical Working Group and all those involved in the process for the work already done and for the commitment given to complete the Plan as proposed.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hon. Peter David, for his part, surmised that history would look at everyone involved in this important project in an extremely favorable way. A National Plan he concluded, can only benefit all the citizens of the country, working selflessly together towards a common goal.
Plan 2030 was commissioned by Prime Minister, Dr. the Hon. Keith Mitchell, on the recommendation of the Committee of Social Partners, to chart the development of Grenada over a fifteen (15) year period.