What is MAREP
The goal of MAREP is to contribute to the reduction of rural poverty and vulnerability of rural young unemployed or self-employed men and women in 50 rural communities in Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique.
Programme Duration
March 30th, 2011 to March 31st, 2017.
The Programme Development Objective is to increase the income of rural young unemployed or self-employed men and women to achieve the following four outcomes:
- increased level of empowerment of rural communities and the male and female members of social and economic rural organizations and their capacity to participate in development opportunities;
- employment opportunities created, particularly for young rural men and women;
- rural businesses and microenterprises established and strengthened; and
- improved sustainable agriculture, linkages to production chains, access to markets, and financial services.
The Programme shall benefit rural men and women, including young people and female headed households, involved in part-time or full-time: (a) small scale farming either of subsistence or market-oriented production; (b) artisanal fishing; (c) micro/small-scale rural businesses and enterprises (agricultural and non-agricultural); and (d) unskilled labor provision in the parishes of the main islands of Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique.
The goal of the Programme is to contribute to the reduction of rural poverty and vulnerability of rural young unemployed or self-employed men and women in the Programme Area.
The Programme shall consist of the following Components:
(a) Human and Social Capital Building and Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups. Activities under this component will orient the development process towards empowerment of rural organizations and its male and female members, aiming towards a progressive process of participation that will enable stakeholders to take initiative and become actively involved in community development and/or economic activities. The main activities under this component will include:
(a.1) Training of community and youth officers.
(a.2) Life-skills and personal development training.
(a.3) Support to skills and vocational training.
(a.4) Strengthening of community based organizations.
(a.5) Strengthening of community based producers groups.
(a.6) Strengthening of Producers Associations and/or Cooperatives.
(a.7) Social Window of the Rural Investment Fund (RIF).
(a.8) National Advocacy campaign addressing gender, youth and poverty.
(b) Market Access and Enterprise Development. The activities carried out under this component will aim to enhance and increase the incomes of the target group, through the strengthening and establishment of competitive, profitable and sustainable rural businesses and employment opportunities, creating better linkages to production chains and greater access to markets. This component will be implemented through the following activities:
(b.1) Training of MoA extension staff and other service providers.
(b.2) Technical Assistance Services, including Market Access, Extension and Business Development Services (business plan formulation and handholding support; promotion of best agricultural practices through farmer-to-farmer technical services; market research and database development and operation; specialised marketing support; linkage of diverse local economic/commercial actors within the identified value chains to rural financial services).
(b.3) An Enterprise and a Productive Window in the Rural Investment Fund.
(b.4) Rural Financial Services, comprising a Credit Line and a Rural Finance Innovation Fund
(c) Programme Management. This component will facilitate the implementation of the Programme through results-based management. The Programme management will have a two-tiered management structure comprising: a Programme Steering Committee, as a policy-making and guidance supervision body and a Programme Management Unit, principal responsible for the overall Programme management. Monitoring and evaluation and learning and knowledge management and policy dialogue are important tasks of Programme management.
Our Team
- Human and Social Capacity Building Specialist - Community Youth Officers (X6) - Gender and Youth Officer |
- Business Specialist - Business Development Officers (X3) - Market Technical Assistant - Peace Corps |
- Programme Manager - Programme Accountant - Planning, Monitoring and Knowledge Management Specialist - Planning,Monitoring and Knowledge Management Officer - Administrative Officer - Secretary - Driver/Office Attendant - Office Attendant/Cleaner |
Government of Grenada (GOG)
International Fund for Agricultural (IFAD)
Caribbean Development Bank (CDB)
Status of Rural Financial Services
Rural Investment Fund and Line of Credit
List of the MOUs signed with various Stakeholders
Grenada Industrial Development Corporation (GIDC)
Grenada Co-operative Bank Ltd. (GCBL)
National Training Agency (NTA)
Ministry of Agriculture (MOA)
Ministry of Works (MOW)
Communities we are in:
St. John
St. Patrick |
St. Andrew |
St. David |
Carriacou |
- New Hampshire - St. George's Estate - Vendome - Belle Vue + Beaulieu - Spring Garden - La Mode - Grenville Vale Estate |
- Maran - Clozier - Florida - Doctor Belle - Gouyave |
-Levera+ La Fortu
- Sauteur
- River Sallee
- Mt. Craven
- Mt. Rich
- Morne Fendu
- Rose Hill
- Prospect
- Mt. Reuil
- Chantimelle |
-Paradise/Coco/ Simon
- Telescope
- La Kabacay
- Mt. Horne
- Soubise
- Post Royal
- La Poterie
- Moya
- Morne Longue
- Upper Pearls
- Ahoma
- Deblando
- Lower St.John |
- Vincennes/Mt.Tranquil/ Windsor Forest
- La Tante
- Dehar
- Agile |
- Lauriston + L'Esterre
- Bogles
- Mt. Royal |
Trainings in conjunction with NTA
- Care Services (Children)
- Electrical Installation
- Food and Nutrition/Catering
- General Auto Repairs
- Graphics/Web Designing
- Utility Service Repairs
- General Construction
- Live Stock
- Music Production
- Clothing and Textile
- Hairdressing
- Building Technology
- Office Administration
- General Hardware Repairs
- A/C Technicians
- Welders
- Plumbers – not pipe fitters
- Other e.g. emerging technologies
Press Releases
The links below are opened with "Adobe Reader". If they don't open click icon to the left to update/download "Adobe Reader on your computer.
PR.24-Press Release - Sod Turning Ceremony for Grantin,Granton Road, New Hampshire
PR.25-Press Release - Sod Turning Ceremony for Bellair Coco Road, Mt. Reuil, St.Patrick's
PR.26 - Press Release - Signing of MOU with MOA
PR.27 - Press Release - MAREP's 1st Sustainable Exposition
PR.29 - Press Release - Signing of MOU with GNTA
PR.30 - Press Release - Sod Turning Ceremonies for Resource Bye Rd & Boplan Rd.
PR.40 - Press Release - Agricultural Trainings
PR.41 - Press Release - Marketing Training
PR.42 - Press Release - Agricultural Training Closing Ceremony
PR.45 - Press Release for Aide Memoire Signing (Supervision Mission)
PR.46 - Press Release for RIF Cheque Handing Over Phase
PR.47 - Press Release for Geriatric Care Course
PR.51 - Press Release for Cruise Ship Program Motivational and Start
PR.54 - MAREP hosts Women in Production Exposition
PR.59 - MAREP's First Essential Oils Production Training
PR.60 - General Construction Course Dec 7th 2016
PR.65 - VST Cruise Line Services Graduation Ceremony April 2017
PR.66 - Aide Memoire SAEP April 2017
PR.70 - Food Safety for Farmers & Growers of Fresh Produce Training with Grenada Bureau of Standards
MAREP Pictures
Contact Us
Programme Manager
Market Access and Rural Enterprise Development Programme (MAREP)
P.O. Box 2972
St. Patrick Business Complex
Lower Main Street
St. Patrick
Phone:(473) 442-0100/442-0105
Fax:(473) 442-0104
Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.