Ministry of Finance





The Grenada Government Printery will provide the highest quality printing, binding and related services to Government Ministries and Departments on a timely, cost-effective basis, best utilizing available resources.

The Division will also facilitate public access to the print and digital publications of Government.


To continuously diversify the range and nature of operations to keep abreast with appropriate cutting-edge technologies so as to adequately meet public sector printing demands.

 Values: Production at optimum quality level always; service delivery with a customer-focused, results-orientated approach, professionalism and humanity.


The Grenada Government Printery was established in 1885, one hundred and twenty-four years ago (as of May 2009), by the then colonial government. Prior to acquiring its own printing facility, government’s printing needs were met by a private printing firm, General Printing Office of Charles Wells and Son, a British company officially designated Printers to the Legislature.

Through this private entity the government published the Grenada Gazette from 7th January, 1883 to fulfill the critical need for public information, including promulgation of legislation. Grenada Gazette was subsequently renamed Government Gazettewhen  the Government’s own printery was established in early 1885 and produced its first gazette, Volume three, Issue No. 18 datelined Wednesday May 6, 1885.


From the colonial era to the present, the Government Printery has produced a wide variety of printed products to facilitate the operations of Government. The range of products includes statutory forms and other office stationery, recording ledgers, receipt books, financial estimates, reports, posters, leaflets, books, booklets, brochures and ballot forms. A key function of the Printery, as noted earlier, is the publication of the Government Gazette with enacted principal and subsidiary laws promulgated for the “peace, order and good government of Grenada”. (Constitution of Grenada, sec. 38; sec. 45 (3), (4)).


Technology has impacted on printing significantly in the last century, and the Government Printery has felt the transformation. Progress was made from hand composition with movable lead type and letterpress printing through mechanical typesetting to the present status of computer typesetting/designing, offset lithographic/digital printing and desktop publishing. It is noteworthy that modernization efforts were precipitated by the 1990 Financial Complex fire which also gutted the adjoining Printery building. In the period 1998 to 2004 the Printery purchased key pieces of equipment that vastly improved its service capacity and propelled it into the world of full color production. A new state-of-the-art digital full-colour press was acquired in 2008, giving the Printery the wherewithal to meet the high quality colour printing demands of the Public Sector.


From all records available, it appears that the Government Printery has always operated under the umbrella of the Ministry of Finance. Senior officers in the Ministry of Finance were designated Managers of the Printery in the early years up to 1979, when for the first time a former Government Printer was appointed as Manager. The Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Finance remains effectively the general manager of the Printery, while the Manager directs operations. Five members of staff (the Manager, Government Printer, and three Supervisors) constitute the on-plant management team of the Printery.

The Printery can be divided into four sections: Administration/Stationery (6 persons); Composing/Graphics (7 persons); Press (7 persons) and Bindery (8 persons). In 2009 the staffing level stands at 26 persons, compared with a staff complement of 44 in 1985. Of the twenty-six (26) staff, eleven (11) are female. A number of staffers have undergone external training overseas and all have benefited from in-service training opportunities afforded by visiting qualified technical officers over time. At present, the Printery boasts combined staff work experience of 565 yrs.


Under the Public Service Management Improvement Project and in line with Government’s commercialization policy, it is contemplated that the Printery be given greater autonomy so as to maximize productivity and be better positioned to undertake Private Sector printing.

The following are some of the immediate and medium term goals of the Division:

  • Increase operational efficiency through special in-service training and external attachment courses for personnel in Graphics, Press and Bindery Sections;
  • Acquire computer-to-plate (CTP) system to phase out film-based plate making;
  • Acquire a digital full-color press (Achieved in 2008);
  • Institute an accounts section to administer accounting system for proper  job costing, invoicing and financial management;
  • Institute system for producing and disseminating Government information products and legislation electronically for public consumption.

Introduction of ancillary services (eg. multimedia services).

The longevity of the Government Printery speaks to its crucial role in the operations of Government. Support of the communication, documentation, accounting and revenue collection functions of the Public Service is expected to grow even as the modus operandi of the Printery evolves with public sector reform.





  1. Requisitions should be submitted well in advance of date product is required. In the case of notices for the official Gazette,matter should be submitted at least TWO (2) working days before publication date. (Regular issues of the Gazette are published every Friday or last working day in week)
  2. Copies submitted should be typed, legible, complete and properly edited.(eg. Check that names, dates and other information are correct)
  3. Jobs should be planned well beforehand so that information regarding design/layout, quantities, color etc. is indicated from the outset.
  4. When documents to be published bear a signature, print person’s full name.
  5. Submit relevant electronic copies, if practicable, on diskettes, CDs or via e-mail. (Always submit a hard copy of matter to be printed)
  6. In planning jobs, factor in lead time required by Printery to meet your deadline. 




All published documents, including the Government Gazette and legislation, can be purchased from the Government Printery, Stationery Section. Annual subscriptions to the Gazette, with and without legislation, are available. Payments can be made at the Treasury Sub-Office located at Government Printery, Botanical Gardens. All cheques should be made payable to “Government of Grenada”. Debit/Credit cards are acceptable.

The public can access the Government Gazette and legislation at a number of public places including: The Public Library, Police Stations, the Treasury and District Revenue Offices.



Government Printery
Ministerial Complex
Botanical Gardens
St. George
Grenada, W.I.

Telephone Nos:

Printery:          (473)440-2098/2118
Stationery:      (473)440-0841
Fax:                 (473)440-6881
E-mail:            This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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QUARTER 3 - 2024



Address:         Financial Complex

                       The Carenage

                        St. George’s

                        GRENADA, W.I


 Telephone:     (473) 440-2731 – (4)

 Facsimile:       (473) 440-4115

 Telex:              (473)3418

Email:              This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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